October 20TH, 2022


Salada Verde.   / Green Salad.       $ 5.00

Queijo Fresco.   / Fresh Cheese.   $ 4.00

Soup:     Cozido.  /  Vegetables with White Beans and Meat.   $ 3.00


Appetizers:  Ostras Natural.  /  Fresh Oysters.   $15.00

                     Berbigão a Bulhão Pato. /  Cockles in Cilantro & Garlic Sauce. $18.00

         Camarão com Cabeça. /  Shrimp with Head.  $25.00



Fish & Seafood.


Pataniscas de Bacalhau com Arroz de Feijão.     $18.95

Cod Fish Patties with Rice Mixed with Beans.


Carapau Grelhado com Molho à Espanhola.   $18.95  

Grilled Stickle Back with Spanish Sauce.


Dourada à Posta Grelhada.            $24.95  

Grilled Tile Fish Steak.


Parrilhada de Peixe Misto Grelhada.   $23.95

Grilled Assorted Fish Combination.      


Salmão Grelhado com Molho de Laranja.    $24.95

Grilled Salmon with Orange Sauce.


Filetes de Peixe Grelhados com Camarão à Guilho.   $21.95

Grilled Fish Fillet with Shrimp in Garlic.


Pregado Grelhado.     $32.95

Grilled Halibut.




Cozido à Portuguesa.       $19.95

Boiled Assorted Meats with Cabbage.


Pernas de Frango Assadas no Forno.      $18.95

Oven Roasted Chicken Legs.           


Barriga de Porco Grelhada.      $18.95

Grilled Pork Belly.                                                                   


Peito de Frango Grelhado com Camarão e Queijo Gratinado.    $20.95

Grilled Chicken Breast with Shrimp and Cheese Au Gratin.                                                                        


Bife Shell Grelhado Laminado com Molho Pimenta.   $21.95

Grilled Laminated Shell Steak with Pepper Sauce.         


Lombinhos de Porco Sauté com Cebola e Pimentos.  $18.95

Sautéed Pork Loins with Onions and Peppers.